Monday, November 17, 2014


Hello! If you are reading this I need your help! As you may know Sisar Jenessa Nielsen will be in Finland for Christmas before coming home on January 1st. AND I NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE CHRISTMAS EXTRA SPECIAL FOR HER. So here's my idea - I want to send her letters from you - people who have read and enjoyed her blog the past 18 months. Was there something that made you laugh? Did she say something that inspired you? Did you learn something? About the gospel? Yourself? Finland? Were memories of your mission relived? Whatever it may be - long, short, serious, humorous - she would love to hear from you. I have set up a special email to receive these - Please make sure you spell her first name right :) Please include your name and where you live and how you came to find her blog. This will be so special for her to open Christmas morning!! Thank you so much!! (I will need to mail it by the first week of December so please go do it right now and start your Holiday season off right!) Merry Christmas!
Jenessa's Mom

1 comment:

  1. My name is Gina Waddoups from Mesa, Arizona. I knew your mother in High School. My love for the Finnish people began 25 years ago with one of my favorite missionary companions, Minna Vahanikkila, who exactly one year after her own baptism, chose to serve a full-time mission. That love has continued as I have followed both you and Elder Tibbits, also returning from Finland in January. Currently, I am serving as a Ward Missionary and enjoy the example of our full-time missionary Sister Metshatihati, from southern Finland. All of you are reminding me of the blessings of missionary service: Joy comes from loving my fellow men, modifying lives, and coming closer to Christ. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and feel my love, support and appreciation.
